Conference Presentation in Wroclaw

Last modified: 2019. October 11.

Éva Antal at the Wroclaw international conference Freedom, Equality ... for Everyone? Women Fighting for Social Advancement 1700-1918

At the University of Wroclaw from 20th to 21st November 2018, an international conference was held in the history of feminism under the title Freedom, Equality ... for Everyone? Women Fighting for Social Advancement 1700-1918. The conference of three – a Polish, an English and a French – sessions was the third interdisciplinary programme having been organised by the Woman Studies research centre.
Dr. Éva Antal, the Professor of the Institute of English and American Studies was invited by the organizers to present the results of her research on British feminist-socialist utopias written in the last decades of the 19th century. Her presentation was well-received and a considerable amount of questions and remarks followed in the discussion. The conference meant a great opportunity to meet scholars in the field and plan possible co-operations with the universities in Poznan and in Warsaw. The edited volume of the conference proceedings will be published by either the Leuven University Press, or Palgrave Macmillan.
Our colleague's travelling to the conference was financed by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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