English Pronunciation Contest

Last modified: 2019. October 10.

The Institute of English and American Studies of Eszterházy Károly University, in association with MM Publications, hosted an English Pronunciation Contest for secondary school pupils. Altogether 17 contestants took part in the event. The final round involved 9 pupils with closely contested results. The following pupils earned the most distinguished positions:

1. Júlia Tóth (Magyar-Angol Tannyelvű Gimnázium és Kollégium, Balatonalmádi. Instr. Ágnes Juhász)

2. Bence Szabó (Neumann János Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium és Kollégium, Eger. Instr. Nóra Barta-Boncz)

3. Renáta Koczka (Andrássy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Szakgimnázium és Gimnázium, Eger. Instr. Balázs Petercsák)

Congratulations to all participants and their instructors.

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