János Rainer M., PhD Became a Corresponding Member of MTA

Last modified: 2019. October 11.

Dr. János Rainer M., PhD, professor, and leader of the Doctoral School of History at EKU, has been elected to be a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) on May 7, 2019.


Dr. János Rainer M., PhD, professor, and leader of the Doctoral School of History at EKU, has been elected to be a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) on May 7, 2019.

May 7th also saw the election of Professor Judit Pál, PhD (BBTU, Cluj), permanent member of EKU's Doctoral School of History. Along with Professor Ignác Romsics, who has been a full member of MTA since 2010, now three MTA-member professors work closely together with our Institution.

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