Members of the Department at the „Witnessing” con

Last modified: 2019. October 10.

Organized by the Philosophy Institute of the University of Debrecen and the Hermeneutics Working Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Human Science Center, the conference called „Wittnessing” was held in Debrecen on 27-28 October.

Organized by the Philosophy Institute of the University of Debrecen and the Hermeneutics Working Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Human Science Center, the conference called

„Wittnessing" was held in Debrecen on 27-28 October. Two faculty members of the Philosophy Department have contributed with lectures to the event: Dr. Lóránt Kicsák, associate professor ("Reading Derrida – With Benveniste") and Dr. János Loboczky, head of the department („Secret and non-hiddenness: hermeneutical reflections on Bartók's music").

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