National Student Research Society Conference

Last modified: 2019. October 11.

Successful presentations at the XXXIII National Student Research Society Conference in Pécs

Dalma Boros, who graduated from the British Studies, American track specialization program in 2016 won third place with her presentation titled: Influential Female Images in Twentieth.Century Fashion in the section titled American Literature and Culture. Thesis supervisor: Eva Antal PhD, Institute of British and American Studies
In the same section Ágnes Bodnár, graduate of the American Studies MA program (2016) presented her work titled The Indian Captivity Narrative as a Prototype of American Fiction. Thesis supervisor: András Tarnóc PhD, Institute of British and American Studies.
In the English Language Literature section Rita Jacsó graduate of the British Studies American track specialization (2015)program presented her work titled Subjectivity, Storytelling and History in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion Thesis supervisor: Angelika Reichmann PhD, Institute of British and American Studies.
In the World History until 1945 section Emese Carmody, graduate of the British Studies BA (2017) program presented her work titled The Declining Fortunes of the Roman Catholic Church in the Republic of Íreland Thesis supervisor: Charles Somerville, Institute of British and American Studies.

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