Successful Intensive Course

Last modified: 2019. October 11.

Intensive course as part of the project "Nyelvtanulással a boldogulásért"


We have successfully completed a 30-hour pilot intensive language course, which is a component of the Nyelvtanulással a boldogulásért collaborative project between EKE and partner secondary schools that aims to improve the English language proficiency of students. The program provided intensive language training for 20 students from 6 partner schools.

The purpose of the English language course was to prepare students for the advanced final exam, yet the curriculum addressed a new aspect of the training. In addition to developing language skills, the project also focused on diverse learning strategies, student creativity, critical thinking, and debate preparation as well as autonomous, self-directed learning. As a component of "Language Education Workshop", the classes were open for observation for mentor teachers from the partner schools and language instructors of EKE. The curriculum, the teacher's handbook, and the video-recorded lessons will be available as instructional materials for professional development purposes.

The program was made possible as a component of a collaborative project between EKE and partner secondary schools project, "EFOP-3.2.14-17-2017-00008 Nyelvtanulással a boldogulásért", which aims to improve the language proficiency of students.

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