Szigeti G. Csongor On Top

Last modified: 2019. October 11.

Szigeti G Csongor ☞ ON↑TOP

OPENING: 20 April 2018 (Friday) 19:00 / 7pm



MAMŰ Galéria / Gallery
H 1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 39.


Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi were the inventors and first users of the wireless communication. Thanks to them, in the very beginning of the 1900s, antennas, hitherto unknown items capable to distribute and gather radio waves appeared. With the spread of radio, TV and mobile devices, this essential element automatically became a part of the cityscape, as the only sharp phenomenon in this media, beyond the range of all design and aesthetic endeavours. Despite the fact that while the design and the production of these objects only the functional features are determining, the profusion of different forms are typical ever since the beginning and they are standing vigorously on the top of the buildings even today.

I was always interested in the idea of „Public Art Found" →, that section of fine art that we are not create but that we find and decide to regard as our own. In this constant personal flow a significant role is played by the antennas either with different functions or by now without designation. Despite their mere functionality, complex scientific, communication, social and cultural references can be discovered within them. The antennas are such constructions that I regard as memorials of their own and the age they were created in. From this inspiration was born the exhibition in Mamű Gallery and prior to this, the TOP CREATURES page, which is constantly expanding →


ON VIEW: until 11 May 2018, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 4pm to 7pm

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