Last modified: 2019. October 10.

Exhibition by the teachers and students of Media & Design Department / Visual Arts Institute / Eszterházy Károly University / Eger / Hungary.

TEMPLOM GALÉRIA / H-3300 Eger, Trinitárius u. 5.

16th of March 2017. 17:00

Exhibition opening by:
Dr. LIPTAI Kálmán
Rector of Eszterházy Károly University


Exhibitor teachers:
CSONTÓ Lajos / FAA Balázs / JUHÁSZ Éva / SIPOS Levente / SÜLI-ZAKAR Szabolcs / SZIGETI G. Csongor / TÓTH Zsuzsanna / ZEMAN Zoltán

Exhibitor students:
APPEL Sebastian / BEDŐ Tekla / BERECZ Anna / BORBÁS Annamária / BORBÁS Márton / BULYOVSZKY Lilla / CSIDER Ádám / CSIZI Attila / DÓCZI Noémi / ÉLES Viktor / FUCSKU Dávid / HEGEDŰS Eszter / IPACS Lilla / IVÁCSON Rebekka / JAKAB Kitti / KATONA Barbara / KERESZTÉNY Lilla / KIRÁLY Gergő / KOVÁCS Emese Réka / KURDI Melinda / MÉSZÁROS Dóra / MIKLÓS Ádám / MOLNÁR Roland / NAGY Zsófia / NÉGYESI Ádám / OSGYÁN Gergő / ROSTÁS Tímea / RUDICS Mónika / SÁNDORFI Zoltán / SZEMMELROTH Balázs / SZABÓ Bernadett / SZILVÁS Anett / SZÓRÁD Ilona / TÓTH Tekla / VAJDICS Tamás / VARGA Attila


The aim of the exhibition is to present visual works of art using typography as the main means of expression, as well as to explore the
different artistic approaches of the genre and to introduce them to an audience beyond the exclusive professional circles.
The exhibition was jointly created by the town of Eger and its professionals dedicated to the theme, and the Visual Art Institute of the local university. Therefore, the displayed pieces of the first exhibition provide a selection of the typographic works of the students and the teachers of the graphic design branches at Károly Eszterházy University Media and Design Department, endeavouring to let the visitors view works of art of the most varied appearance and message.
In the past few years, typography has yet again become one of the unavoidable, virulently developing components of visual culture. Whereas in the past it had a role in the background to serve, it has come to the forefront, undertaking a universal, central presence, well connected with the other visual contents. It is present in functional graphics and in creating verbal communication through thousands of channels, as well as in independent artistic experiments, or the radically new technological versions seeking renewal.
This ample mutation might be attributed to ever increasing traditional, but mainly online, appearances related to the topic, continuously encouraging typography enthusiasts working in numerous genres, whether it is a type designer in the strict sense, a graphic designer, a tattoo artist, or an installation artist.
By means of the Internet, a new solution might spread like wildfire, a form and compositional solution that is unfamiliar or actually, rediscovered. Thus, a vast and open community of seekers is created that explores the diversity of possible appearances, going into deeper and deeper layers, by interpreting typography as a scientific problem.
Typographical form rarely stands alone, in the majority of cases it is in close cooperation with the verbal message, there being a connection between them that is continuous and of changing intensitiy, whether we talk about the magic of the words of a person from bygone days, or about the role of the ever changing form to transform and modify the primary message. Therefore, in typographic design, artistic intention is always about the dialogue of these two elements.
The displayed pieces of the exhibition are partly individual solutions of specific tasks and problems, and partly the results of the experiments of independent self-expression.
It is our hope that this exhibition will not remain a one-off event, but that it will be an event to be organized annually, turning into a national typographic exhibition next year.
Lajos CSONTÓ, head of Department

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