Utopia 500 Conference in Lisbon

Last modified: 2019. October 10.

From 5th to 9th July 2016, at the NOVA University in Lisbon (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), the annual conference of the Utopian Studies Society (USS) was held.

From 5th to 9th July 2016, at the NOVA University in Lisbon (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), the annual conference of the Utopian Studies Society (USS) was held, where lecturers and researchers specialising in the field from 30 countries worldwide presented their results, posters and papers.

From Hungary, two university teachers were invited: from ELTE, dr. Zsolt Cziganyik and from EKE, Dr. habil. Eva Antal, the professor of the Department of English Studies. Our colleague was lecturing on American and British utopias written in the last decade of the 19th century (titled "Escapism and Poriomania in Bellamy, Morris and Wells' Utopian Future-Dreams"), which was the English version of her presentation she had in Hungarian at Trauma and Crisis Conference in autumn 2015 in Eger. The English lecture was followed by a lively discussion since the whole conference was characterised by the polemical and philosophical attitude. This year the CFP was dedicated to Sir Thomas More's Utopia as the book was printed in 1516 and the conference commemorated and celebrated the 500th anniversary of its publication. Next year the conference will be held at the University of Gdansk, while in 2018, Budapest will host the international event of the USS. Due to the conference participation, Dr. Eva Antal, now being the member of the Society, has been asked to participate in the organisation of the Hungarian conference, thus, with the guidance of ELTE and CEU, Eszterhazy Karoly University will be involved in the planning and future realisation of the programme.


See the site of the conference: http://uss2016.fcsh.unl.pt/




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