Prominent educators

Last modified: 2018. October 05.

Several members of the academic staff of the Faculty have received awards, grants and fellowships.

Institute of English and American Studies:

- Dr. Éva Antal: research grant at NIAS, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Wassenaar (January-March 2010)
- Dr. Angelika Reichmann: Campus Hungary Scholarship (2014), Award of the National Council of Student Research Societies (2013)
- Dr. Albert Vermes: Eszterházy Károly Award (2012)
- Dr. András Tarnóc: Award for the Hungarian Higher Education (2012)
- Dr. Zoltán Peterecz, Fulbright Program, Yale University (2014)

Department of Music:
- Dr. Katalin Kis: Eszterházy Károly Award (2010)
- Dr. Judit Csüllög: Eszterházy Károly Award (2011)
- Dr. Judit Gábos: Fulbright Program, University of South Carolina School of Music, Columbia, USA (2011), Award of the EKF Faculty of Humanities (2014)
- Dr. Zoltán Nagy: Eszterházy Károly Award (2012)
- Dr. Péter Zombola: Junior Prima Award (2012), Erkel Ferenc Award (2015)
- Dr. Krisztina dr. Tóthné Várady: Eszterházy Károly Award (2014)

Department of Philosophy:
Dr. Katalin Lőrinczné Thiel: Pro Academia Agriensi Award (2011), Pap István Award (2014)

 Department of German Studies:
- Dr. Éva Kalocsai Varga: Eszterházy Károly Award (2011), Award of the Ministry of National Resources (2010)

Department of Visual Arts:
- Dr. István Erőss: Munkácsy Award (2012), Honorary citizenship of Icheon (South Korea) (2012), Award of the National Council of Student Research Societies (2013)
- Erzsébet F. Balogh: Award for the Hungarian Higher Education (2010)

Institute of History:
- Dr. Sándor Gebei: Pro Academia Agriensi Award (2010)
- Dr. Ilona Kristóf: MAB-DIPA Scientific Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Regional Committee in Miskolc (2010)
- Dr. Judit V. Balogh: Bolyai János Research Scholarship (2010)
- Dr. József Pap: Award of the National Council of Student Research Societies (2010)
- Dr. Ignác Romsics: Pro Academia Agriensi Award (2014)
- Dr. Tivadar Petercsák: Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (2010)
- Dr. Béla Bartók: Eszterházy Károly Award

Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies:
- Dr. Zsolt Szentesi: Lyceum Pro Scientiis Award (2012)
- Dr. Gábor Bednanics: József Attila Award (2011), 2013: Magyary Zoltán postdoctoral grant (2013), grant of the National Cultural Fund for publishing volumes of the "Ráció-Tudomány" series (2013), Bolyai János research scholarship (2014), Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Regional Committee in Miskolc (2014), grant of the National Cultural Fund for the conferences of the Department of Literature (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
- Dr. Gábor Ködöböcz : Eszterházy Károly Award (2010), Award of the Partiumi Írótábor (2011), Hungarian Academy of Arts grant (2013), Petőfi Sándor Sajtószabadság Award (2015)
- Dr. Márta Zsuzsanna Pintér: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) proposal nr. 83599. (2011), multiple grants of the National Cultural Fund (2014),
- Dr. Kusper Judit: Scientific Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Regional Committee in Miskolc (2009), Lyceum Pro Scientiis Award (2013), 2014: grant of the National Cultural Fund

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