Erasmus 30
Last modified: 2021. January 28.
Celebrating the 30th birthday of the Erasmus mobility programme, a series of lectures took place in the Lyceum. The event was co-organized by the Centre for International Relations, Heves County Europe Direct Information Centre and the Local Council of Heves County.
The welcome speech of the Rector of Eszterházy Károly University was followed by the greetings of the Rector of Senman University, Iran. He gave a short presentation about his institution.
The previous 30 years of the Erasmus programme was outlined by the Head of the European Commission Representation, Dr. Gábor Zupkó and by the Deputy Director of the Tempus Public Foundation Judit Hermándy-Berencz.
The last presenter of the morning session was Réka Tóth-Dolenszky, institutional mobility coordinator who introduced the joint history of Eszterházy Károly University and the Erasmus programme.
A birthday is not a real birthday without a cake: the presentations were followed by a toast proposed by Róbert Szabó, Chairman of Heves County Council. Participants clinked their champagne glasses and tasted the birthday cake.
At noon, visitors could participate in the Mobility Café where Erasmus and Campus Mundi scholarships were introduced by the experts of the Centre for International Relations and the Tempus Public Foundation This was followed by a short section where former Erasmus students shared their experiences about their journeys. They tried to encourage enthusiastic students to apply for the Erasmus+ programme.
The ESN student organization was also introduced in the Mobility Café. The last presentation was made by Colin Swatridge: his book called "A Country Full of Aliens was outlined by the British professor who shared his humorous thoughts about our culture and some interesting Hungarian peculiarities as well.
Photo: Dániel Kakuk