Katalin Thiel: Maskerade

2016-06-06 14:29:43

Im Jahre 2016 erschien die erste deutschprachige Monographie zum Béla Hamvas.

Guest Professor from Switzerland at the FH

2016-04-18 11:42:27

Professor Dieter Mersch, the Director of the Cultural Studies Institute at the Zurich Univesity of Arts was invited by the faculty research group,...

Un nouveau livre de Marta Zsuzsanna Pintér

2016-03-16 11:16:12

Un nouveau livre est publié par Márta Zsuzsanna Pintér, (mâitre de conférences á l’ Institut d’études linguistiques et littéraires, EKF ) en langue...

Linguistic Conference at the University of Miskolc

2016-02-24 10:47:27

On the 29th January a Linguistic Conference was held at the University of Miskolc organised by the local committee of the Academy of Hungarian Sciences (MTA...