Community nights

Last modified: 2019. April 01.

This semester the Peer Helper Mental Health Hygienice Counselling Office (KoMeti) and the ESN Eszterhazy organise together a new series of programmes, called Community night aiming to strengthen the relationship between students and to improve their communication skills with some games and having fun together.

Started from 21 February, there is an event held between 19:00 – 21:00 or 20:00-22:00 on every Thursday in Imola Hostel, Almagyardombi Dormitory or St. István Pub. The exact location of the events is announced every Monday in the ESN Facebook group.
Not only dormitory residents, but all international students can attend Community nights, because these events are open to all international students and their mentors but also for future mentors students as well.
On 21st March, there was a karaoke night enjoyed by every participant of the programme.


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