
Last modified: 2020. September 17.

Rector`s welcome

Dear Incoming Student,
When you come to Eger not only will you benefit from the academic excellence of which our institution is justifiably proud but you will be welcomed into our diverse Eszterházy community.
The historical Lyceum here in Eger was the product of international collaboration, the books in our historic Baroque library were collected throughout Europe and the facilities represented the very best the era could provide. A rounded education and a sense of community is what Bishop Eszterházy was striving to establish.
Today we have an institution that is not only modern but proud of its roots. We believe passionately in the benefits of international cooperation making all of us more open, tolerant and knowledgeable.
As you read through this brochure you'll see that we offer a wide range of exciting courses taught in English by our dedicated staff.
We truly hope that you can find a programme that appeals to you and we look forward to welcoming you here as a valued member of our inclusive community.

Dr. Ilona Tari-Pajtók, PhD


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