Day Trip to Hollókő

Last modified: 2018. May 17.

50 students from Eger and Gyöngyös Campus from 20 countries participated on the trip to Hollókő on the 20th April.

Within the framework of Erasmus+ and Stipendium Hungaricum a group of students from the Eger and Gyöngyös campus went on a school excursion to Hollókő on April 20th 2018. A group of 50 people from 20 different countries enjoyed the trip guided by Judit Tóth, intercultural coordinator and our Fulbright guest professor, John Rury and his wife from the University of Kansas.

The trip aimed at visiting the village museum of Hollókő, the first place added to the Unesco World Heritage list in Hungary.

After having walked through the narrow streets in the village, students gained insight into folk culture and crafts, palóc architecture and folk art. They could even print an exclusive Hollókő ornament in the Craftsman Printing Workshop.

In the afternoon, students visited Hollókő castle and they became familiar with the history of the village. The beautiful surroundings and the wonderful atmosphere left a lasting impression on our international students.

Photo: Dániel Fehér

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