March 15 Commemoration
Last modified: 2019. March 14.
The members of the Ká-Ró Theatrical Group remember the events of the 1848/49 Revolution and War of Independence at the Károly Róbert Campus.
Every year, another theme is highlighted from the events of March 15 by the Ká-Ró Theatrical Group. This year's program was inspired by the poem Lajos Pósa, „A márciusi ifjúság" (The March Youth). According to Marianna Czigány, the youth of '48 shook the world by their actions and raised the Hungarian nation. That's why the artistic director of the theatrical group chose the title of the show, „Minden szavuk égzengés volt" (All of their words were gloomy).
This year's program was unusual, because the students of the Károly Róbert Campus also had a role in the program. The commemoration was opened by Yanjiv Baigalimaa, a Mongolian student, who sang a Moldavian-Csángó folk song „Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt". A Russian student, Kirill Ijalanszki accompanied the song with a guitar.
Foreign students were told why March 15th is important for the Hungarian people. Similar events occurred in their own countries, so they felt the significance of 1848. Loren António Manuel an Angolan student, took part in memorializing the events.
The aim of the program was to help young people to understand the historical significance of our National Day, because they are the future - said Marianna Czigány.
Text, Photos: Nagy Réka