Last modified: 2017. May 25.

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Budapest organised a Higher Education Gathering and Dinner to facilitate the working visit of APTISI to Hungary.

Rectors, leaders of universities and high ranking government officials took part at the event. Rector of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Prof. János Józsa, Rector of Eszterhazy Karoly University, Dr. Kálmán Liptai Phd, Vice Rector of Eötvös Lóránd University, Dr. Gábor Erdődy, Secretary General of Hungarian Rector Forum, Dr. Zoltán Dubéczy, Governor of Békés County, Mr. Mihály Zalay and Director of International Affairs of Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences, Dr Tamás Novák PhD were among the honorary guests. In the event, Eszterházy Károly University, the Hungarian Rectors' Conference and the President of Békés County signed an MoU with APTISI as a first step towards a fruitful cooperation.


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